Musik, Nachrichten, Sport, Wetter oder Heimsteuerung – frage Alexa nach allem, was du möchtest.
Schütze deine Privatsphäre
Schließe den Lautsprecher, um die Mikrophone mechanisch zu trennen – für einen deutlichen, sichtbaren Schutz deiner Privatsphäre vor Alexa.
Starker 360°- Sound
Optimal abgestimmte Klangleistung, die jeden Raum ausfüllt.
Kabelloser Musikgenuss
Streame von jeder App über Alexa, Airplay 2, Spotify Connect oder Bluetooth. Nutze das Internetradio um weltweit auf tausende von Radiosendern zugreifen zu können.
Quick Corners
Stelle beliebige Alexa-Befehle ein, um diese per Knopfdruck auszuführen, wie Lieblingssender, Playlisten, Heimsteuerung oder Alexa Skills.
Überall dabei!
Genieße grenzenlose Musik ohne Unterbrechung, bis zu 15 Stunden lang mit USB-C-Schnellladefunktion.
Musik entdecken
Füge Lieder, die du im Radio hörst, sofort zu deiner Playlist hinzu.
Stelle eine Verbindung zu anderen Airplay-2-kompatiblen Lautsprechern her und genieße Musik und Radio im gesamten Heim.
- DiscovR
- USB-C-Kabel
- Schnellstartanleitung
- Sicherheitsdatenblatt
- AUS Garantiekarte
Does my speaker have an alarm feature?
Your speaker has alarm features through Alexa. When you are signed into Alexa, you can request to set alarms, set reminders or timers, and the speaker will wake and play the alarms or timers at the requested time.
Note: If you intend to use this as your primary alarm, please ensure your device is connected to a Wi-Fi network and powered via USB.
Do I need an Amazon account to use DiscovR?
An Amazon account isn't required to use DiscovR if you are simply streaming content over Bluetooth or Spotify Connect. However, it will allow you to get the most out of your speaker and provide access to a wider range of Alexa supported features, including voice control and Quick Corners. If you already have an Amazon account, simply enter your log-in details when prompted during the product setup. If you don't currently have an account, you will be prompted to register for one in the Pure Home app.
How do I enable an Alexa skill?
Alexa skills can be enabled in several ways: (i) Simply ask Alexa to enable the skill you want to add. You can even ask to recommend some popular skills from a specific category, like games, news, smart home etc... (ii) From the Alexa app - you can download the app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store to browse through and enable a chosen Alexa skill.
Is Alexa always listening to me?
No. Your device is only designed to listen after the wake word has been detected or when tapping the Action button. You can delete the history of any spoken commands/requests directly through the Amazon Alexa app.
Can I listen audio over Bluetooth and also have the Alexa microphones muted?
Yes. if you have tapped the Mic mute button (with the icon illuminated red), it is still possible to stream audio content and launch Quick Corners, but your speaker will not be able to listen to or action spoken voice commands. To action voice commands once again, tap the Mic mute button to unmute the microphones.
Can I connect to multiple Wi-Fi networks?
Your DiscovR can only connect to a single Wi-Fi network and will reconnect to the last one it connected to.
If you would like to connect to alternative Wi-Fi network, please go through the speaker setup again within the Pure Home app.
Is there a way to have my firmware updated automatically?
Your DiscovR will periodically download new firmware updates with bug fixes and new functionality when these become available. This will normally occur during the early hours of the morning when the speaker is less likely to be in use. To ensure this is detected and completed, please ensure your speaker is connected and powered via USB and connected to the Wi-Fi network.